Lifestyle Fitness PT
Lifestyle Fitness PT asked us to partner with them to create a series of educational videos. Lifestyle Fitness PT is a gathering of the most promising and established trainers, coaches and specialists in the UK. Looking to launch a revolutionary new product they asked Banter to help deliver a series of 23 unique educational videos. […]
Dexshell Waterproof Clothing
Banter was commissioned to create a promotional video campaign for Dexshell – global leaders in waterproof clothing Dexshell has a focus on innovation and cutting edge technology which allowed the team at Banter to identify with their way of thinking. We were commissioned to create the concept for a new promotional campaign to showcase the […]
Emanuel and the truth about fishes
Banter led Hollywood to Manchester live audio session A US production company hired Banter to complete the ADR sessions for the Jessica Beill film The Truth about Emanuel. Due to the tight filming schedules of the main cast Banter was asked to provide an emergency audio recording session for one of the lead actors in […]
Business Growth Hub
Enterprise site migration and redevelopment with Umbraco and .NET We were selected from a highly competitive pool of providers to deliver the new Business Growth Hub website as well as a wealth of other micro-sites across the company over the past several years. The goal of the new development was to create a website that […]
WordPress is an amazing CMS for SMEs. This is why. We love WordPress, not only because the speed of development but for the ease of use for the end client. We deal with WordPress sites every day and we’re experts at getting the most out of them. Related posts: Benchmark Baggy Trousers The Debt Advisor […]
Baggy Trousers
Websites need to focus on the end user and their user experience This is why we developed the website for Testicular Cancer charity BaggyTrousersUK a little differently. The target demographic for those more susceptible to Testicular Cancer are boys and men aged 15-49. Also, cancer can be a scary topic and one that people tend to avoid, […]
Team 6t9
Anything you can do we can do… Having worked on many successful marketing and video campaigns over the years we saw an opportunity to put into practice what we preach. Team 6t9 was born out of this desire to create and promote a product of our own. Related posts: Team T3 Racing Dexshell Waterproof Clothing […]
Team T3 Racing
Fast bikes and social media Team T3 Racing are a top tier Isle of Man TT race team featuring Gary Johnson Approach Through our work with Team 6t9 we were contacted by TT3 Racing to embark on a PR campaign to launch the team at the 2016 IMOTT. Whilst the team has had plenty of […]
The Accountancy People
So good we got fired The Accountancy People and Banter have been partners for years and we’ve grown together. Except when we got fired… Approach James Sheard at The Accountancy People is an award winning Chartered Accountant who is extremely entrepreneurial and looking for ways to grow his business. We partnered with him to create […]
Unidentified Flying Project
What happens when we’re left to our own devices With no limitations or preconceptions in the brief we were set loose to design the perfect brand for one of the biggest music projects the world has ever seen. Related posts: Unidentified Flying Project 14 PIECES OF TECHNOLOGY I COULD DO WITHOUT Motovudu ChartStart
The Accountancy People
When branding is so close but needs a little nudge Sometimes branding can be almost perfect but an audit and refresh is needed to ensure that the messaging and concepts are really on point. Related posts: The Accountancy People
To think outside a product in a box When a client is so good at what they do they want to share their knowledge with the world they come to us to help build the brand behind that knowledge. Related posts: PIN PIN PIN: How to Grow your Business Through Pinterest