Motovudu hired Banter for the world’s leading motocycle race day tuition DVD
Motovudu is one of the top two race day tuition DVDs in the world. We flew out to Aragon in Spain to shoot the video but the real work started in the edit.
With only 6 weeks to complete what should have been a 6 month project, the memories of filming out in the glorious sunshine of Aragon faded quickly as we took to 4 weeks of almost 24/7 editing to complete this project. We hardly saw the sun again during this period as we completed the 2 hour, highly technical edit for this amazing DVD. Along with this was the feature documentary we shot in Andorra, Spain and France following Simon’s journey from Andorra to create Motovudu. With a complex edit, animation, graphics, design, music, sound design and more all in our hands we had the whole team knuckle down to deliver. We thrive on pressure but we also thrive when we work as a team. Banter is like a family and it has to be when you’re working this closely together for weeks on end with projects such as these. The final DVD was a culmination of all our hard work and every person in the company. This project was only made possible by the fact that we were able to deliver on all of the different creative elements in-house. The graphics were being added into the animation sequence as soon as they were completed. These sequences in turn were added to the final timeline from our network the moment they were rendered. The cohesion of the team and stability of our infrastructure made this a reality.
The DVD was launched at Motocycle Live at the NEC and sales were fanastic. The reviews online were all very high with 5 stars on Amazon, One reads, “Great DVD if you are ever serious about going into the Dark Arts of Racing…it really is Voodoo (VuDu) to the rest of us, so alien to what our heads will cope with.
Well made, well shot and Neevesy too, a great Kiwi / British film.
Easily 10 out of 10…it’s like he’s only just scratched the surface of what he knows.”
The teaser trailer alone online received thousands of views and resulted in a tonne of pre-sale orders for the DVD.