



Banter and Motovudu partnered with Suzuki UK to launch the new GSXR100

The GSXR1000 is the pinnacle of bikes for many riders. We were tasked with creating a viral video that would inspire a conversation online.


We wanted to do something that would get to the heart of the topic with this video. We didn’t want to create your standard launch video, this had to be something with a story, something that appealed to the emotions. The concept we created focused on the lack of electronics on the bike and what it meant to feel as one with the bike. We did this by shooting the first ever super slow motion footage of a bike sliding coming out of a corner at Almeria in spain. The video is called ‘The Limit is Yours’ and stars Simon Crafar from Motovudu. The video showcases Simon’s rise to MotoGP fame and what made him the rider he was. Viewers identified with the emotion of finding (and being in control of) your own limit. The resulting video went viral instantly.


The video received over a quarter of a million view in the first two days. It spurred a heated debate amongst riders and the comments continue on YouTube to this day. A representative from Suzuki UK informed us recently that this was the most successful viral video they had ever created.

Liam Wright Growth hacker, animal lover, @dota2 junkie, @manutd & @giants fan | Founder - @BanterMediauk | CoFounder - @team6t9 | CoFounder - @socialgrowthlab |